The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed at the end of Val's last Top Games post she mentions that the CVGA will be moving.
It's true! The last day of the archive for the year will be this Friday, after which we will be closed while we move to our new location. In January we will re-open in room B474 of the Duderstadt Center (that's in the Lower Level—i.e. the Basement).
Our new location will have about 2.5 times the space that we have now, many more game stations, and an enclosed room with a door that closes for games that tend to be noisy (e.g. whapping on the drums in Rock Band!)
We are also adding a selection of board and card games to the CVGA; about 40 in all to start, including Settlers of Catan, Small World, Carcassonne, Power Grid, Race for the Galaxy, Axis & Allies, Agricola, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Dominion, and more. As with the video games the board games will be for in-house use only, but with our extra space we will have tables set up for game play.
In addition, we will be making changes to the way that games are accessed. We will be keeping the game discs behind the desk, while continuing to display the game boxes on the shelf. You will need to check out the game disc from the desk before playing, and return the disc to the desk when you are done. This will help us to reduce loss and reduce wear on the games.
Stay tuned to this blog for an announcement as to the exact date of our re-opening, which if all goes well should be sometime during the first week in January...
Party Games at your library
12 years ago
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